Taking Care of Ourselves - here is a little something you CAN do!



I am going to be posting a little more frequently to help support you (and me) through this time. I am naturally more of hands-on person so this is a bit of a change for me. Understandably there is a lot of fear of the known and unknown around at the moment. This makes us very feel uncertain, unsettled, unbalanced and worried - so this is a very important time to keep ourselves emotionally balanced in anyway we can.

So my first little tip is to make a Daily Taking Care Manifesto, call it what you like, something that resonates with you. This is to help you cope with what is going on at the moment in your daily lives. Little actions that will make up your day. Think about what is important to you to keep you emotionally balanced and calm, what you need and what you don’t need. Keep it simple, over achievable and fun and focus on the good stuff. It is not a giant to do list! Whatever your circumstances, whether you live alone, have now got a household full, your work has paused, you are self-isolating - make your manifesto and do it while you are feeling good and positive. Make a poster, write on it, draw on it, add to it and change it when you need to. Stick it on a wall where you can see it everyday and check in with it for those times when you are having a wobble and do one of the things on it. You will be helping yourself. Here a few examples

  • smile

  • be grateful for 3 things on waking

  • dance whenever a good song comes onto the radio, stretch, bend, exercise

  • look in the mirror and tell yourself out loud you love you multiple times a day (huge for the immune system) and noone will see!

  • do/watch things that make you laugh

  • listen to your favourite radio programme/podcast

  • limit energy zapping behaviour - set your own boundaries eg limit how many times you listen/watch the news per day/spend online..

  • do something productive/creative/helpful

  • stop and actively rest -this is mentally tiring time - so if you need to - lie down for 10 minutes, do deep belly breaths and visualise tension dropping away and do absolutely nothing

  • have a coffee outside in nature

  • sign up to a personalised online wellbeing session (with me! very exciting - details in next post) or a yoga/meditation/singing/what you want to learn class

  • connect

  • think of three nice things that happened today

  • check in with your feelings and express them - write them down in a diary, tell your friends/family/pets. And importantly be a conscious listener when they are telling you their feelings. This means just really listen to them so they feel heard and validated.

Get creative! Make it really personal. Keep balanced and sending you a virtual hug.

Please be kind to yourself and others and do the right thing XX

Many thanks to Cornish illustrator Becky Thorns for use of her lovely illustration.

Flower Remedies - Our emotional helpers


In Systematic Kinesiology - as part of the treatment we look at how our emotions are effecting us. Sometimes we need help in dissolving some emotions or triggers that effect us negatively so we can move forward in positive way. Sometimes we know what these emotions/triggers are and sometimes we don’t. It doesn’t matter - the body/subconscious will show us as we muscle test. Flower remedies are very useful in kinesiology as they aid us to access our emotions. Flower remedies are our emotional helpers.

Rescue Remedy is well known to be very helpful in emergencies and crises. It can be used to help us get through any stressful moment, egs; giving a speech, immediately after an injury, moving house or for exam nerves.

In Systematic Kinesiology we use flower remedies to help on an emotional level so we feel more balanced about things, thus helping to allow your body to find its own natural state of health. You will receive a bespoke flower remedy blend as part of your Kinesiology treatment to support you after your session if appropriate.

There are many flower remedies, one example is Wild Rose. This may come up if you are feeling a bit stuck and just plodding along. It can help reawaken our interest in life. In a positive Wild Rose state we are happy-go-lucky. Instead of apathy we feel a sense of purpose that brings increased happiness and enjoyment.

What is balanced natural health?


This is what it means to me....We are not in pain, we sleep well and soundly, we digest well,  we are drug free, we feel able to cope with life’s stresses and strains.   We have a greater awareness, we make choices out of love not fear, we can express ourselves, we do not hold on to the past hurts and frustrations, we can let go when we need to.   We feed our body with nourishing foods that nurture us, we drink lots of water, we boost ourselves when we need to with supplements.  We are grounded and centred. Our energy flows well.   We value, love and appreciate ourselves.  We feel well,  we feel good and we feel happy.